Thursday, June 4, 2009

My mom's visit and my good fortune

I'm working on another post but have to get some pictures uploaded first. I need to get better about using the digital camera. You have to retrain yourself to be a picture taker and I'm far from it at this point. Hopefully, I'll get better before we start having kids.

My mom just spent a week with us. I haven't seen her since last September and that was for a funeral so it wasn't much fun anyway. So this time we had lots of fun. We took her to all our favorites places to eat, made crafts and jewelry, went to the park, shopped at all the local crafting, home decor and quilting shops , went to the zoo, spent lots of time with my niece, Evie and had great mom and daughter chats. I miss her so much. I think we have her convinced to move out here soon. She loves being with her grandchildren and there's not much keeping her in Oregon. The reasons why she went up there are no longer valid. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I'd love to have my family close by, especially my mom and my sister.

We even started looking for placed to live. We found a really cute townhouse in Draper in my mom's price range. Can beat that, eh? We have an old friend who works for an insurance company that is begging for her resume. Oh, I really hope it happens.

She's emailed since she's returned home and has said that things that she was once content with, she is no longer. It's amazing how much your perspective can change in a week.

I'm a living testament of that.

So that's all that's really exciting right now. Oh, other than my doctor thinks I have walking pneumonia. I started getting a cough on Monday and my chest gradually got tighter through the week. I can't breath. I get out of breath talking and I ache everywhere. But, I don't feel "sick." I guess that's why they call it walking pneumonia because I still have to walk everywhere and do everything I normally do...go to work, go to the store, go to the laundry room to fold laundry, to the kitchen to do dishes etc....Good thing I have a great husband who sees that I'm not feeling great and takes great care of me. I'm so blessed.

Till later....

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